Become a Member

Ready for your Serve Credit Union Membership?

Follow the steps below for a complete onboarding guide! 

1. Determine Eligibility

We are a closed field of membership credit union, which means there are certain requirements that must be met before becoming a member. This is something that makes us so unique! Click the drop downs below to ensure eligibility.

Family of Current Member

Family members shall include persons in the same household and persons related to the member or spouse by blood or marriage, including:

  • Parents, Grandparents, Great Grandparents

  • Children, Grandchild, Great Grandchildren

  • Brothers, Sisters

  • Nieces, Nephews, Aunts, Uncles

  • Step and/or Foster Children

  • Relatives of a deceased member

Public Safety

  • Employees, volunteers, and retired personnel of public agencies located within the State of Iowa that enforce laws, rules, and ordinances or protect life and property

  • Public Agency Associations, institutions, departments, government entities, organizations, and their members within the State of Iowa that enforce laws, rules, and ordinances or protect life and property

City, County, State or Federal

  • Employees, volunteers, and retired personnel of any federal, state, county, or city governmental agencies within the State of Iowa


  • Teachers, administrators, employees, board members, volunteers, retired personnel of all schools and recognized private homeschooling within the State of Iowa

  • Education Associations, institutions, departments, government entities, organizations, and their members within the State of Iowa that deliver and support educational services


  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Employees in Iowa


  • Employees of small employee groups as approved by the Superintendent

  • Member of Polk County Schools Employees Credit Union as of the date of merger, October 1, 2016

  • Members of USDA credit union as of the merger date, May 1, 2015

  • Employees of the credit union

2. Apply

Folks become members in a variety of ways for a variety of reasons! Whatever the reason, we have a way!

Here's what to expect!

  • Provide identification information for all persons on the accounts such as but not limited to: Social Security Number, Contact Information, Valid Government-Issued Photo ID

  • A Financial Services Officer (FSO) of SCU will perform a credit check - this is considered a “hard pull” on a credit report

  • Be prepared to fund the membership at time of opening with a minimum of $25 to be held in the Basic Share of the membership. A FSO can collect funds via a debit/credit card, check, cash, and ACH setup

  • Be prepared to sign documents - A membership is not complete until all parties have agreed to the opening of the accounts, and documents can be signed electronically!

3. Complete the Membership Opening

After applying for a membership or loan, it is important to complete all of the follow up steps to avoid any disruption with the new account!

Fund the Membership

  • Be prepared to fund the membership at time of opening with a minimum of $25 to be held in the Basic Share of the membership.

  • A Serve CU Financial Service Officer (FSO) can collect funds via a debit/credit card, check, cash, and ACH setup

  • Why $25? Credit unions are structured in a way that members are owners. This ownership is represented in the $25 “par share”.

Sign the Documents

  • A membership is not complete until all parties have signed to agree to the opening of the accounts.

  • Documents can be signed electronically!

  • If signing electronically, keep an eye out for EDOC Signature. The Financial Services Officer will provide an authorization code to access the documents.

4. Receive Your Member Number

Physical Membership Card

It is important to know your member number in the beginning of your relationship with us. It won’t take long for us to get to know you, we promise!

Store your card in your wallet for easy access to your Member #, Direct Deposit Information, Suffix #s, etc.

If you did not receive your Member Number at time of opening, click below to request!


Digital Membership Card

It is important to know your member number in the beginning of your relationship with us. It won’t take long for us to get to know you, we promise!

Store your card in your Online Banking for easy and secure access to your Member #, Direct Deposit Information, Suffix #s, etc.

If you did not receive your Member Number at time of opening, click below to request!

5. Enroll In Online Banking

How to Enroll

First Time Enrollment
1. Select "First Time User" Option available in both the desktop login box and the Serve Credit Union Mobile app login screen
2. Have the following credentials ready: First/Last Name, Member #, SSN, Zip Code, DOB, Email Address
3. Create your login: Username, Password, Security Questions, Device Registration, MultiFactor Authentication, Face ID, Fingerprint

Enroll in e-Statements when prompted after login.

Customize with Digital Services

Click here to customize your Online Banking experience with our Digital Services!

Click here to view the functions of our mobile apps such as: Multi-Factor Authentication, Digital Wallets, EStatements, Account Transfers, and more!

6. Move Money and Pay Yourself

Connecting to your SCU Account

Use the following information to set up Direct Deposit, External Account Transfers, Venmo, Utilities and Bills, etc.
Accounts Numbers Examples
Routing Number 273 073 958 273 073 958
Connect with your Primary Share Use your Member # Example: 12345
Connect with your Checking Account Use your Checking Account # Credit Union will Provide
Connect with your Sub Account Use your Member # followed by a leading zero and Suffix Example: 12345020

Example Member Information:

  • Member # = 12345

  • Member Checking Account # = Can be found at the bottom of Check or Request a Membership Card from SCU which contains Checking Account #

  • Member Sub Account Suffix # = 20


Direct Deposit/Distribution*

Direct Deposit Information can be found on your:

  • Physical/Digital Membership Card: click here to request

  • Bottom of your SCU Check (checking accounts only)

  • Completing a Direct Deposit Form: click here to complete form

Once a paycheck is deposited, an automatic distribution* (transfer) to sub accounts and loans can be initiated

*Will require request from member - Serve CU team will provide a form to be signed


Transfers in Online Banking

Move your own money by enabling a scheduled or one-time transfer between:

  • Serve CU to Serve CU Account (including loans) within your own membership and any other accounts your Social Security Number is attached to by selecting from the “Transfer To/From” drop-downs.

  • External Financial Institutions and your Serve CU Account by adding and maintaining an external account to your transfer list. Click here for a quick External Account Transfer tutorial video.


SCU Initiated Electronic Transfer/Payment*

Also known as ACH, Serve Credit Union can schedule funds to be pulled from an external financial institution to be deposited into your SCU account or loan. Manage your own transfers/payments by initiating yourself in Online Banking.

*Will require request from member - Serve CU team will provide a form to be signed

7. Enroll in AD&D Coverage

Serve Credit Union provides $2,000 of no-cost coverage just for being a member! Enrollment takes only a few minutes!

Important Information

Procedures for opening a new account:

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.