Membership Academy

Membership Academy Intro

When it comes to your finances…we want to be first on scene.

Book Your Academy Visit

Here’s What You Can Expect

Understanding your current Financial Wellness

Our Financial Responders will take a deep dive into the "why" behind your current status and discover ways to improve and maintain the different elements that contribute to your overall financial wellness.


Establishing Goals

Our Financial Responders will work with you to discover your goals and create a unique plan customized to you to help you reach those goals.

Goals could be achieved by exploring topics such as:

  • Your Credit Report

  • Credit Building

  • Debt Consolidation

  • Budgeting

  • Wealth Management

  • Serve CU Benefits and Solutions


Creating an Interactive and Customized Plan

  • Our Financial Responders will use interactive articles and calculators to provide a higher level of education on a plethora of Financial Wellness topics.

  • Our Financial Responders will recommend and educate on Serve CU's many benefits and solutions that will facilitate you reaching your goals.

  • There is no age group or stage of life that would benefit more over the other.

  • There are no obligations- any suggestions made by your Financial Responder will be in your best interest, but you will not be obligated to enroll or apply for any product or service.


Guiding you with Passion and Commitment

Once you have scheduled your first Membership Academy, you can expect your Financial Responder to remain as dedicated to your goals as you are!

They will schedule follow-up Academy Visits on a schedule that works for you.

They will guide you through your Membership Academy and beyond!

Here’s How You Can Prepare

Gather Helpful Documentation

  • Other Financial Institution Account Statements

  • Credit Card Statements

  • Pay Stubs


Complete Preliminary Budget Worksheet

It may be easier to think of your budget from home as opposed to "under pressure" in an office setting.

Click here to complete and grab a screenshot for your Academy Visit.


Consider Potential Credit Pull

  • Pulling credit prior to or during the Academy is not mandatory, but it is helpful to create a bigger financial picture.

  • A Financial Responder will send you a "Consent to Pull Credit" form if you check "yes" when you schedule.

  • If you do not wish to pull credit, you may access your own credit report here.


Take a Financial Wellness Assessment

Take a step back and analyze your financial habits to better determine your financial wellness goals.

Download your findings and bring them to your Membership Academy!

Click here to begin the financial wellness assessment.


Brainstorm your Goals

Your Financial Responder will work with you to discover your goals and come up with a plan to help you achieve them.

  • "My Goals Are..."

  • "My Target date is..."

  • "Why are these goals important to me?"

  • "What obstacles have/could I encounter to stop me from reaching my goals?"

  • "What do I think Serve CU can do to help me reach my goals?

  • "How will I celebrate when I've reached my goals?"


Explore Topics in our Financial Wellness Center

Click here to explore our Financial Wellness Center.

Free articles, calculators, and interactive coaches are available to you before, during, and after your Membership Academy!